Kodak gold 35mm
Kodak gold 35mm


• Scanning compatibility: High-quality results from digital output systems & Great prints from digital zoom and crop images. Rent Kodak GOLD 200 Color Negative Film (35mm Roll Film, 36 Exposures) at The Imaging World in Bushwick, Brooklyn.


It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24 along with a wide exposure latitude for exposing up to two stops under or three stops. Daylight-Balanced Color Negative Film ISO 200/24 in C-41 Process Fine Grain and High Sharpness Wide Exposure Latitude Rich Color Saturation Kodak GOLD 200.

kodak gold 35mm

• Exposure versatility: Designed for exposure by daylight and electronic flash. Kodak GOLD 200 is a medium-speed daylight-balanced color negative film offering a versatile combination of vivid color saturation, fine grain, and high image sharpness. • Designed for processing in Kodak Flexicolor Chemicals for Process C-41: Processed in the same chemicals as Kodak Royal Gold, Kodak Max, Kodak Professional Portra and Kodak Professional Supra Films. • High sharpness and high resolution: Excellent results for general-purpose photography & Great for enlargements. • Similar printing characteristics: One-channel printing. • Excellent latent-image keeping characteristics: Excellent consistency & Excellent processing robustness. Kodak Gold 200 is a 5500k daylight balanced, ISO 200, colour negative 35mm film thats available in rolls of 24 or 36 exposures. Simply purchase a roll of 35mm film and load it in, take your photos, rewind and have the film roll developed.

kodak gold 35mm


Just like it's range of disposable cameras, M35 has fixed focus lens, manual film winding and rewinding and a switch to turn flash On/Off. It has a wide exposure latitude but does look best with a lot of light. Capture the memories with this reusable film camera that uses 35mm film. It also features wide exposure latitude from two stops underexposure to three stops overexposure. Kodak Gold 200 Overview: Kodak Gold 200 is a versatile consumer 35mm film with low grain and saturated colors. Kodak Bright Sun & Flash Film features excellent color accuracy and saturation and high sharpness and resolution. Excellent for picture-taking under general lighting conditions.You can also expose this film under photolamps (3400 K) or tungsten illumination (3200 K) with filters. Kodak Gold Bright Sun & Flash 200 Film provides an excellent combination of color saturation, color accuracy, and sharpness in a 200-speed film.

Kodak gold 35mm