Those with 95% are harder to deal with, but their movement and attacks will still be delayed, letting your other characters safely damage the boss. This build is able to freeze solid even bosses with a 90% resistance. Since each second in game has 50 frames, you can use a Quick's Card 7, which will lower the AGI to 2-4, below the 5 frames the poison effect lasts, although it's better to use a Peridot 7 to poison the enemy and switch to a different weapon (the best choices are Flame/Thunder builds). Pretty powerful, especially with a Priest. Only use this when you don't have other stickmen with Poison weapons in your team. Another bonus is that this build is compatible with the Flame Boxer above. The result is excellent mobbing capability and extremely high damage per second.

The magic attack releases 12 thunder needles doing 1-120 DMG each.

This build uses very fast attack speed in conjunction with an extremely powerful magic attack to deal extreme amounts of damage. The Garnet 7 triples the lifetime of the blazes, making it the better option for damage, but the Quick's Card 7 can deal more damage if the boxer is constantly moving forward to attack a group of enemies due to the wastes blazes. Even if there's no group around, it still deals great damage. This build can handle groups of enemies effectively, creative 12 blazes of high damage per hit. While DPS is nowhere close to that of the builds above, it lasts much longer (especially under a DEF aura good enough to at least basically null Needle Claw if not also cut the damage of a physical Sniper's arrows by over half), possibly dealing more damage in the long run and definitely giving any damage-oriented ranged allies more time to dish out hurt as long as the enemy party isn't using an Ice Flail Whipper. It deals extremely high damage and useful for quickly killing bosses like the Needle Build, especially when paired with an Attack Priest. This build is made to dish out as much damage as possible 2-4 AGI, each punch releases 30 sparks that deal 1-199 damage each (with homing capabilities to make sure they hit). It also can invest 20 more SP into HP than it's counterpart. This build deals less damage than the Spark Build, but it can be useful to damage enemies immune to Thunder type or users of the Purple Crystal 7 in VS Mode. It deals extremely high damage and useful for quickly killing bosses, especially when paired with an Attack Priest. This build is made to dish out as much damage as possible 2-4 AGI, each punch releases 210 needles that deal 13-15 damage each. If you are using Quick's Card 7, then you should use the Sonic Cestus 8 because the AGI of 2-4 for splash damage is greater than the AGI of 2-3 of the Mach Cestus 7. Not only that, but it can randomly generate onigiris that heal 1/5 of the total LP of the Boxer (or maybe its teammates). This build has a lot of strength so the boxer will regenerate a lot of LP from Vampire's Card. However, if fire and physical attacks are a concern to you, you can use the White Stone 7 to give you a solid HP increase.Ĭompo 1: Vampire's Card 4/ Quick's Card 7 The Zombie's Card 4 will grant the boxer twice the bonus from the White Stone 7. The Purple Crystal 7 is an optimal compo item against Magic attacks. The Black Crystal 7 roughly triples the life of the Boxer, making it mandatory on a tank build. This build utilizes incredible amounts of HP with incredible defense. As ONIGIRI's Card does not work in VS Mode, Black Crystal 7 would work better for VS Mode purposes.Ĭompo 2: Purple Crystal 7/ Zombie's Card 4/ White Stone 7 Weapons are for the same reason as the above build. This build is very good for those parties with ranged fighters. This build contains a whole lot of LP with regeneration compo items that will help keep the Boxer (and even his teammates) alive.

An Explosion's Card 4 on a Mach Cestus 7 causes it to work like the Sonic Cestus.Ĭompo 2: ONIGIRI's Card 1/ Black Crystal 7 Mix that with STR Priests and you have true power. A Vampire's Card allows the boxer to regenerate a whole ton of LP. This build specializes in dealing a whole ton of damage in a very short time. For more experienced players.īoxer builds Power Boxer of Quickness (BeF, PoP, Dmg, Svl)Ĭompo 1: Vampire's Card 4/ Yellow Crystal 7/ Explosion's Card 4 (Mach Cestus only) Here are some codes that will let you know more about a certain build.ĪDV = Advanced. 7.3.1 Weapons and compos for the three builds above.6.13 Defensive Attack Priest (Svl, ADV, Dmg).5.7 Solid Group-Freezing Build (ADV, Svl).4.13 Early game Poison Sniper (Bef, Dmg, PoP).4.2 Megaboss-Friendly Poison Sniper (BeF, Dmg, PoP, Svl).4.1 Bullets Sniper build (PoP, BeF, Dmg).3.16 Healer Utility Swordfighter (SvL, BeF).3.8 Thunder GreatSword build (BeF, Dmg).3.4 Defensive Efficency Jedi (Dmg, Svl, ADV).2.1 Power Boxer of Quickness (BeF, PoP, Dmg, Svl).